Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Le Grande Museum

I love this painting, though it's small its fresh
and you can imagine what kind of day
it is. A cool breeze rushing through the trees.

Daniel Szabo (hungary) only 14 years of age.

Though some may think I'm lame, I have always liked visiting the National Museum of Wales in Cardiff. I like to sit, and ponder and marvel in the paintings of old and new, particularly the brilliant Monet, one of my favourites. I like how quiet and still it is there, how appreciative most visitors are of the beauty and message in the paintings. This time around I looked at the rock formations and thought of how they are made, and how they can be used. I was amazed to find a rock formation from India that resembled roses. How amazing is that, how nature can emulate an idea and form from another natural form. I love nature. On exhibition there was the photographer of the year awards and the talent this year was amazing. I found myself drawn to the cute orangutans and baby animals. Just me being a girl i guess. But I was also drawn to the mystical mystery in the photo of a deer. It stands in a misty wood in the distance, it makes you want to follow it, see where it's going and what it looks like up close. That's the kind of pull I want from my next collection. The dark mystery that draws you in. You have to look and touch and wonder. That's me in a nut shell, so i hope to translate it to my work.

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